Modern Slavery Statement
FM Insurance Company Limited – Modern Slavery and Human Trafficking Statement 2024
Modern Slavery Act 2015
This statement is made by FM Insurance Company Limited (FMI or we) with regard to its obligations under s54 (1) Modern Slavery Act 2015 for the 2024 financial year and will be updated and published on its website annually.
FMI takes a zero tolerance approach towards modern slavery and human trafficking. This statement sets out steps taken by FMI to ensure and confirm that there is no evidence of modern slavery or human trafficking taking place within its business or supply chains.
About FM Insurance Company Limited
FMI is a UK insurer providing industrial and commercial property insurance. FMI is a wholly owned subsidiary of Factory Mutual Insurance Company and part of the FM group.
FMI is authorized by the Prudential Regulation Authority (PRA) and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority and the PRA. As a regulated firm, FMI takes compliance with laws and regulations very seriously.
FMI’s supply chain
FMI recognizes that whilst financial services are not considered to be particularly sensitive to modern slavery practices, such as forced labour or exploitation, FMI has a responsibility to ensure no modern slavery or human trafficking is taking place in its business or supply chains. FMI continues to monitor its business and supply chain and employees who are responsible for procuring goods and services understand the requirements of the Modern Slavery Act 2015 to ensure there is no suspected modern slavery or human trafficking taking place either within the business or in connection with the vendors we use.
FMI’s procurement policies reflect FMI’s zero tolerance to modern slavery and human trafficking and to make clear that this is also the attitude we expect our suppliers to adopt. Furthermore, FMI has developed a Supplier Code of Conduct to reinforce its stance against modern slavery and human trafficking.
Employees are encouraged to report any concerns, including suspected modern slavery and human trafficking, using FMI’s anonymous whistleblowing procedure. Alternatively, they can contact the Law & Governmental Affairs department.
Bill Bradshaw
Operations Sr Vice President
FM Insurance Company Limited